How does school look for you this year? For us, all 3 of my kids are starting online. Which I, personally could not be happier about right now. I have been hearing so many reports of kids going back to school and being sent home the first day with civid. Or just in our school district, they haven't even started and there is a case of covid at one of my kid's schools. We are fortunate that our kids are able to do online school while I and my husband work from home. I am able to make my job flexible enough that I can help out all 3 kids and take an hour here or there to also do my work via zoom, or once or twice a month see a kid in their home. I understand not everyone has that ability. Nor does everyone have the patience for it. Many people have to work right now and are unable to be there while their kids do online schooling. Making it impossible for their kids to get any work done. It's a difficult situation all around. The teachers can only work so many hours in a day. But parents may not be home until 4-6 pm in order to help their children. And in the instances of younger children or children with executive functioning issues, that means school is not getting done. At lest not until the parents are home. And by then everyone is exhausted. It is a very difficult situation this year. I think the best we can do is concentrate on making sure everyone is healthy, both mentally and physically, and feels loved and appreciated (teachers, parents, and kids), and try to get a little leaning in there as well ,while respecting it may not look the same for all families. I've set up some cozy corners with what space we do have in our house. Admittedly we do have a lot more space that our old house, but not a ton to make a whole school room. But, this is just an idea of what we have done with some of our space with the items that we have. And I know that all the kids teachers will likely give is more stuff to include as well. I also have items to supplement learning as need be if the stuff they are learning is too hard and we need to take a step back to re-learn some things. Because lets be honest, last spring was hard! It was hard on teachers figuring everything out. It was hard on parents figuring everything out. And it was hard on the kids just trying to muddle their way through. We may need to review a few things. And that is perfect OK!