Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Working on matching and receptive language skills

In this video, my son, who is 8, was helping me by showing how to work on matching, color identification, gross motor skills, and receptive language skills. He had to really think about which body part to put on which color (working on receptive language skills, identifications skills, and gross motor skills-it was a little hard for him to balance for some of them!). He also worked on throwing different color bean bags in to different colored circles which not only works on identification skills, but gross motor skills throwing the bean bag at a target).

This can be modified for different skill sets. For younger children you can just have the circles set out in front of you and have them match beanbags to circles. If they are ready to identify colors you can choose colors for them to throw in to the circles or put in the circles. You can also say "give me x color" when you are cleaning up the beanbags to check for accuracy in identification. If they are walkers you can have them walk over to a certain circle that you put out. Or use it for positional words by putting the circles or beanbags in different parts of the house and tell them "go put the beanbag in a circle that is under the chair/on the couch, next to the tv, etc." Or even play a game of I Spy with older children telling them "I spy a beanbag that is red and it is in a room that we eat in." And you don't have to use this specific toy. You can use colored construction paper and have your child jump on it. Or cut the pieces in half and have them match pieces together. as well as work on the same positional words as above. There are so many fin ways to use this to get your child moving and working though play!

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